Welcome to Ryan's Picture Page

Pretend you see a picture of Ryan on the top of a big mountain.

This is Ryan on top of the world. The place is Mount Blanc in the heart of the French Alps. Only an hours drive from Geneva, Switzerland, this is one of the most awe inspiring places we've ever been. Even the Matterhorn pales in comparison!

To see a few pictures of my summer trip to Europe check out my  Summer Trip Web Page Page  .

Thats the complete tour of MyBobPages, I hope you think I've done a good job. You know, for something that is very easy, WEB authoring can be quite difficult. But it is fun! From here you can click to  Return to Dad's Home Page .

I've made my pages a little on the "conservative" side because I want them to load quickly. If you have and comments to make please direct them to BobSweeney  and I will promptly respond.

Last modified: 29-October-1999  Robert E. Sweeney
Comments or suggestions to  BobSweeney